In this year Malik beat records that Malik have a beautiful collection of cows and all are healthier as the costumer want in this bakra eid
Malik cattle farm is still have the huge animals in Mandi and they are not sold as the every cattle farm did so if you want to buy a cow so go there
I love to go mandi and take a survey of cattle farms because I love the cows and want to a more huge cows and some other tents who left
Where is this Malik Cattle farm 2016 is set? I have never seen and heard about the such name of Malik Cattle farm before i heard Dilpasand Cattle, Malik Farm but first time in mandi.
Pure Brown beauty from Malik cattle farm... love it how much please add the price and cell phone numbers so we can buy cows online by watching pictures. I love this cow yar very pretty eyes.
Malik have really beautiful cows and Bakra but I am not satisfied with rates of them and I am searching for the new cattle farm who is trust able
Malik Cattle Farm cows are very friendly they are not like other farm cows i mean fatty cows their cows are very active.
Loolszz just look at that skinny cow of Malik Cattle Farm... I think the picture is fake because farm cows are not like that, usually farm cows are groomed and have jewellery.
famous bull
Beautiful animals